Who I Am

Hi everyone.  

My name is Waleed.

I have college degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering and worked in the ‘chemical processing’ industry for 30+ years. I love to learn, but also love to share what I’ve learned. My interests are broad,  including, but not limited to, personal finance, health and the ‘arts’  (i.e. books, visual media, music, language, etc.).   


“The whole duty of a writer is to please and satisfy himself, and the true writer always plays to an audience of one.”   (William Strunk Jr. and  E.B. White. “The Elements of Style” . Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, NY, 1979, page 85.) 

My mission is to use this website to share what I think are practical and useful “living” tools / ideas / methods. The target audience is broad (18+).  

My reasons for doing this are twofold: 

(1) I derive deep satisfaction from the learning / documenting / sharing act itself. From this viewpoint,  I am “playing to an audience of one.” 

(2) These tools have improved my ways-of-working and thinking (they have contributed to my happiness and well-being). I want to share these with friends and family in the hope that they will experience the same result. Even if they don’t, we can hopefully have a discussion on how to improve the product. Perhaps a wider audience will also embrace some of these tools (Icing on the Cake!!).