Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance describes methods and procedures for capital budgeting. A major concept in corporate finance is the time value of money. Discounted cash flow is a primary tool in corporate finance.

Real Return Equation

Inflation Rates, Real Returns and Nominal Returns 

Inflation Rates, Real Returns and Nominal Returns Last Update: February 14, 2024  Inflation Let’s derive an equation showing the relationship between Real Returns and Nominal Returns. But first, we need to define what economic inflation means.  Inflation is the general increase in price levels. Inflation could be caused by central bank monetary policies like reducing interest rates […]

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PVOA Equation

Time Value of Money (TVM) Concepts, Formulas and Functions

Last Update: February 14, 2024  Introduction The Time Value of Money (TVM) Concept states that money tends to lose its value (purchasing power) over time.    TVM concepts are ubiquitous in our world. Financial companies as well as individuals use TVM concepts and methods to make various financial decisions. For example: Deciding which corporate project or

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Subject Icon Coins

Definition of Capitalism, Economics, Finance, and Accounting

Introduction This article defines Capitalism and its tools of implementation: Economics, Finance, and Accounting.  Economics, Finance, and Accounting explain the flow of money and assets in society. Corporations, the engines of growth in capitalistic systems, utilize these concepts/tools/techniques to maintain and increase our standard of living. Similarly, individuals can use a baseline understanding of these

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