
Real Return Equation

Inflation Rates, Real Returns and Nominal Returns 

Inflation Rates, Real Returns and Nominal Returns Last Update: February 14, 2024  Inflation Let’s derive an equation showing the relationship between Real Returns and Nominal Returns. But first, we need to define what economic inflation means.  Inflation is the general increase in price levels. Inflation could be caused by central bank monetary policies like reducing interest rates […]

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Money Purse Drawing - US Federal Budget FY2022

The US Federal Budget – Part 2 – FY2022 Analysis

Menu (linked Index) The FY2022 US Federal Budget (Last Update: February 12, 2024) Introduction FY2022 US Federal Budget (USFB) Totals Federal Budget Receipts: Category Details and Data Sources FY2022 USFB Receipts: Income Tax/SIRR FY2022 USFB Receipts: Misc and Other Taxes(Customs & Duties/Excise/Gift & Estate) Federal Budget Outlays: Category Details and Data Sources FY2022 USFB Outlays: Social Security FY2022

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Sketch of Federal Reserve Building

Macro-Economics and US Government Economic Policies

Last Update: January 21, 2023  Introduction  This post describes key Macro-Economic concepts like inflation and interest rates and how government fiscal and monetary economic policies influence them. The US Government, through its Fiscal and Monetary policies, has an enormous influence over our ever day lives as it attempts to keep the US economy growing and

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