
Stocks are unit ownerships in corporations. Some pay dividends. Corporations issue stock and receive cash in order to fund their business.

Subject icon showing asset allocation yearly ranking

Asset Class Performance

Last Revision: November 20, 2022 Asset Class Performance: Introduction Understanding asset class performance is an important part of assembling the proper investment portfolio mix. This post analyzes the historical performance of various assets using ETF and Mutual Fund proxies.    Its purpose is to show  the historical ranked returns of several asset classes. the volatility […]

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Subject icon for stocks. Candlestick Chart.

Stock and Bond Allocations – Historical Returns

Last Revision: October 17, 2022 Summary In seven graphs, this post shows 94 years of expected returns for various stock and bond allocations. These graphs plot annualized returns for 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 rolling yearly periods and show that: Variability of outcomes increases (risk increases) as the proportion of stocks relative to

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Subject icon for stocks. Candlestick Chart.

S&P500 Index Performance with Best Days Removed

Last Revision: August 14, 2022 Summary This post describes how the long term performance of the S&P 500 Total Return Index is affected when some of the best days are removed.  Introduction   I was recently perusing Chapter 2 of my copy of Charles D. Ellis’s book, “Winning the Losers Game” (3rd Edition, New York,McGraw-Hill,1998). The

S&P500 Index Performance with Best Days Removed Read More »

Subject icon for stocks. Candlestick Chart.

Historical S&P 500 U.S. Stock Performance

Last Revision: October 17, 2022 Introduction This article describes the historical performance of the U.S. Stock Market as represented by the S&P 500 index. It also provides some useful learnings that can be applied to our investment decisions. As you read through the material, please refer to the Financial Glossary which will open as a

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