Cataract Tabulated History

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Cataract Tabulated History

Last Update: January 21, 2025


In this post I’ve created a (roughly) chronological tabulated history of cataract procedures and surgery developments through the ages. 

The first table is the historical listing, including a reference source number. 

The second table provided can then be used to find the reference (a title and a web link address). 

Check out my post Cataract Surgery: From Darkness, Light for more information on cataracts and cataract surgery. 

See my post Understand Your Eyes for more of my eye and optics related articles

Out of all of the on line sources I look at, I found the following to be the most useful in terms of providing a broad understanding of the history. 

The funniest description of ancient cataract surgery , however , is given in this entertaining video:

Gross Science – The Horrors of Ancient Cataract Surgeries

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Ancient Description of a Cataract Removal Procedure

The following could be the earliest written description of a cataract removal.  

It’s translated from Sanskrit and attributed to an Indian physician named Susruta (Sushruta).

He might have lived in the 5th – 8th century BC (I know that’s a wide range; suffice to say it was a long time ago).

I excerpted the following from an article in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (Susruta of Ancient India; Raju, V K MD, FRCS, FACS; Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 51(2):p 119-122):

 “The following is a direct translation from the original Sanskrit of what may be the first record of extracapsular extraction:

…This procedure is auspiciously performed primarily in the warm season…


  • the skin is rubbed with a pledget of cotton saturated with an oily medicinal followed by a heated bath.
  • The patient is given a light refreshment.
  • The sick room is fumigated with vapours of white mustard, bdellium, nimva leaves, and the resinous gums of shala trees (in order to rid the area of insects and the diseases they harbor)…
  • Incense of cannabis is used in addition to wine for sedation…


  • The patient sits on a high stool with the surgeon facing him.
  • The hands are secured with proper fastenings.
  • The patient is asked to look at his own nose while the surgeon rests his little finger on the (bony margin of the outer angle of the orbit), holding a Yava Vaktra Salaka between his thumb, index, and middle finger.
  • The left eye should be pierced with the right hand, and vice versa.
  • The eye is entered at the junction of the medial and lateral two-thirds of the outer portion of the sclera.
  • If a sound is produced following the gushing of a watery fluid, the needle is in the correct place, but if the puncture is followed by bleeding, it means that it is misplaced.
  • The eye is then sprinkled with breast milk.
  • Care is taken to avoid blood vessels in the region.
  • The tip is then made to incise the (anterior capsule) of the lens.
  • With the needle in this position, the patient is asked to blow down the nostril, while closing the opposite nare. After this, lens material (Kapha) is seen coming alongside the needle. When the patient is able to perceive objects, the needle is removed…


  • indigenous roots, leaves, and ghee are applied with a lined bandage.
  • Patient then lies flat and is asked not eructate, sneeze, cough or move.
  • The eye is examined every fourth day for ten days.
  • If the whitish material recurs, the same procedure is repeated….

A funnier description of this procedure is given in this video: Gross Science – The Horrors of Ancient Cataract Surgeries 

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Cataract Tabulated History

12540 BC; Egypt Wooden Statue Sheikh Al Balad; White Cataract shown on left eyeRef: 3
22700 BC; Egypt Instruments Copper surgical needles possibly for Couching found in the tomb of King Khasekhemwy and tomb of Skar (chief physician of one of Egypt’s fifth dynasty rulers)Ref: 7,11
32000 - 1000 BC Procedures Egyptians and Babylonians probably practiced Couching (possibly mentioned in Code of Hammurabi)Ref: 8, 11,39
41550 BC; Egypt Procedures Ebers Papyrus (c. 1550 BCE). Cataract described.Ref: 4, 11, 35
51600 - 1100 BC;
Egypt Wall Paintings Valley of Kings; Wall inscriptions possbily depicting cataract removal
Ref: 3, 7, 11
61500 - 1000 BC; India Rgveda Ancient Text Rgveda - Hymns - Hints of Opthalmic Surgery to heal blindlessRef: 11
7~ 600 BC;
India (800 BC ?) Sushruta
(Susruta) - earliest ? treatise on surgery called the Sushruta Samhita (Susruta)
- first to perform cataract surgery by couching
- Used instrument to enter the eye and push the cataract into the vitreous space
- this was probably spread via Silk Road
Ref: 1, 7,9, 39
8600s BC Tobit Tobit had cataracts; featured in Bible; the Book of Tobit. (part of the Apocrypha.)Ref: 39
9206 BC - 907 AD; China Silk Road to China Couching procedure, known as jin pi shu in Mandarin, was introduced to China via the Silk Road during the late West Han Dynasty (206 BCE-9 CE), and spread throughout China duringTang Dynasty (618-907 CE).Ref: 10
10400 - 270 BC Ptolomaic Egypt Cataracts and Procedures Mentioned / Practiced by Heophilus,philoxenes,Antyllus, Oribasius, LathyrionRef: 39
11279 - 206 BC; Greece Chyrsippus of Soli The philosopher Chrysippus of Soli (c. 279–206 BCE) mentioned couching of cataracts. Ref: 11, 39
12131 - 201 BC Galen of Pergamon Galen of Pergamon, a prominent Greek physician, surgeon performed cataract surgery using a needle-shaped instrument.Ref: 14, 39
13~25BC-50 AD; Roman Cornelius Celcus Possible 1st Western Reference. Medical texts written by Cornelius Celsus; lived during reign of Emperor Tiberius (r. AD 14–37), include a detailed description of a cataract operation (De Medicina)Ref: 2,7, 14, 39
141C AD? Egyptians, Greeks, Romans A similar process called "needling" (discission) was performed where lens would be sliced up and allowed to be reabsorbed by body. (Celcus, Galen)Ref: 11, 26,27,28
152nd Cent. AD Antyllus Greek Roman Surgeon. Used suction technique to extract cataractRef: 5
161st - 3rd Cent. AD Instruments Roman era Cataract Couching and Suction Instruments Found: Montbellet (France) and Viladamat (Spain)Ref: 6
17538-594 AD Gregory of Tours Gallo Roman Bishop refers to cataract surgery being done with needlesRef: 39
18Early 6C AD Aeteus of Amida Byzantine; discusses cataractsRef: 39
19625 - 690 Paulus Aegeneta Byzantine; writes on cataractsRef: 39
20777-857 Islamic Era Yuhanna Ibn Masawaih (777–857), an Assyrian physician; Daghal al-’ain or Disorder of the Eye; removal of cataracts with a hollow tube via suction (he attributed to Antyllus)Ref: 16
21809-877 Islamic Era Ibn Ishaq (Jahannitus) Ref:
22900s AD Islamic Era Ammar bin Ali Al Mawsili cataract extraction via a tubular metallic syringe with a hypodermic needleRef: 16
23865 - 925 AD Islamic Era Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi 10th century Persian physician developed a cataract surgery technique that used Antyllus’ suction equipment. Ref: 13, 17
24940-1010 Islamic Era Ali ibn isa wrote about cataractsRef: 39
25936-1013 Islamic Era Al Zahrawi (Abulcasis) wrote about cataractsRef: 39
26980-1037 Avicenna wrote about cataractsRef: 39
271000s AD Islamic eric Ammar of Cairo needling (discission) procedures described in textsRef: 11
281000s AD Benevenutus Grassus Hebrew Itinerant Oculust Wrote De OculisRef: 39
291091-1161 Islamic Era Avenzoar wrote about cataractsRef: 39
301200s Islamic Era Khalifah of Aleppo needling (discission) procedures described in textsRef: 11
311213-1288 Islamic Era Ibn Al Nafis wrote about cataractsRef: 39
321240 Thoedoric Borgagnoni, Roger Frugardi Middle Age writes on cataractsRef: 39
331250 Gilbertus Anglicus, Bruno Middle Age writes on cataractsRef: 39
341300s AD; Islamic Era Sadaqah ibn Ibrahim al-Shadhili The 14th century Egypt oculist Al-Shadhili reported of a variation on the oral suction instrument; this device used a screw to produce suction instead.Ref: 11
351377 John of Arderne Middle Age writes on cataractsRef: 39
361583; Middle Ages Georg Bartisch Monks in Medievil times. Couching practiced throughout Middle Ages. In his 1583 text Augendienst (Service of the Eyes), German oculist Georg Bartisch describes the process in great detailRef: 18
371560s - 1751 Couching Cataract couching probably arrived in England by the 1560s, in Scotland by 1595, in Ireland by 1684, and in Anglo-America by 1751. Ref: 15
381656 - 1705 Rolfinck; Maitre Jan, Brisseau Developments in cataract patholody.Ref: 25
391700s - Early 1800s Itinerant Couchers Itinerant Cataract Couchers roamed europe looking for cataract business. See story of Chevalier John Taylor ( c. 1703 – 1770 or 1772) a British eye surgeon, self-promoter and Charlatan.Ref:
401747 Jacques Daviel:
France French Surgeon - 1747 Pioneered first true Extracapsular Cataract Extration (ECCE); where lens capsules are left in place.
Ref: 19, 3
411753 Samuel Sharp; England First to perform intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE), whereby the lens and surrounding capsule were removed in one piece.Ref: 3
421865 Albrecht von Graefe ; Germany Invented special knife design for cataract surgery. Used as late as the 1950s.Ref: 3
431884 Karl Koller; Herman Knap First Topical Anaesthesia (cocaine) - Koller; First retrobulbar anesthesia with cocaine - KnapRef: 3
441907 Ignasi Barraquer; Spain Erisophake Technique (lens extraction suction cup)Ref:
451949 Harold Ridley; Britian On November 29, 1949, Harold Ridley implanted the first intraocular lens (IOL - Rayner and Keeler ltd). Transparent acrylic similar to RAF spitfire canopy material. Extracapsular extraction (only lens)Ref: 3, 20
461957 Joaquin Barraquer; Spain Use fo α-chymotrypsin to selectively break down the lens zonular fibers allowing for easier extraction of the lensRef: 3
471959 Taduesz Krawicz; Poland Cryoprobe for lens removal (using liquid N2); Cryoextraction of lensRef: 3
481950s-1970s ICCE Most cataract surgerys in the 1950s to 1970s for were ICCE (capsule + lens removed). Ref: 3
491963 Micro scopes zoom microscopes introducedRef: 3
501967 Charles Kelman
USA Small Incision Phacoemulsification procedure. Using ultrasound. Inspired by dental ultrasound procedures.
Ref: 3
511978 Kai-yi Zhou; China The Chinese eye surgeon Kai-yi Zhou implanted the first foldable IOL made of SiliconeRef: 3
521980 Miller and Stegman Introduction of Viscoelastic agents. Makes space in anterior chamber and gives added protection to eye during ECCS procedure Ref: 3
531980s Drs. Aron-Rosa and Fankhauser. The Yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) laser capsulotomy, also known as the posterior capsulotomy developed for post cataract surgery (if vision becomes cloudy again which is common)Ref: 3
541981 laserphaco probe; Patricia Bath The Laserphaco probe was invented by Dr. Patricia Bath in 1981Ref: 36
551985 Thomas R. Mazzocco Developed refined foldable silicone intraocular "taco" lens (IOL) in 1985 Ref: 3
561989 Gholam A. Peyman Invented LASIK eye surgery ; awarded the first US patent for the procedure in 1989.Ref: 37
571990 Laser 1st laser assisted cataract surgeryRef: 3
581993 Topical Anesthetics; RA Fichman use of topical anesthetics in 1993 by FichmanRef: 22,23
591995-1997 Femto second laser technology Ron Kurtz, MD, and Tibor Juhasz, PhD developed the IntraLase Femtosecond Laser at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor Ref: 38
602011 Femto Laser Femtosecond laser assited cataract surgery LenSx, Victus, LensAR, Catalys (FLACS)Ref: 3

Cataract History References

#Reference Link and Title
1 - Sushruta By Thomas S Harbin, MD, MBA
Ancient history magazine; Roman cataract surgery
Video - The Amazing History of Cataract Surgery by Professor Fernando Trindade
4,surgeries:%20couching%20of%20cataracts%20and%2C%20surprisingly%2C%20rhinoplasty. - Surgery's Ancient Roots - Aubrey Minshew
Acta Opthalmologica - Hollow needle cataract aspiration in antiquity
Ranzco Museum - Cataract couching Out of the dark and into the light? Shirley Ma, David Kaufman
Wikipedia - Couching
9,surgery%20until%20the%2019th%20Century. - cataract surgery couching to phaco
NIH - Couching for cataract in China
Chi-Chao Chan
NIH - The history of cataract surgery: from couching to phacoemulsification
Ophthalmology in the medieval Islamic world
History of Cataract Surgery By Walter Choate on February 05, 2019
History of cataract surgery
The First Cataract Surgeons in the British Isles
Light through the dark ages: The Arabist contribution to Western ophthalmology
Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al-Razi (Rhazes) (865-925): The Founder of the First Psychiatric Ward
Couching Cataracts: Cloudy with a chance of infection
19 - Daviel, Jacques
NIH Sir Harold Ridley as the Pioneer of Intraocular Lenses: His Inspiration Drawn From World War II Pilots
Wikipedia - Cataract Surgery
EyeWiki - History of Cataract Surgery
NIH - The Evolution of Cataract Surgery Geetha Davis
Cataract Surgery - History - Bhandari ICCE, ECCE, SIC cataract ,history,ECCE AND SICS.pptx
Cataract History
Evolution of Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery
History of Cataract Surgery
The History of Cataract Surgery
History of Ophthalmology 4 Sub auspiciis Academiae Ophthalmologicae Intemationalis Editor H.E. HENKES Geervliet. The Netherlands Associate Editor CI. ZRENNER Tubingen. Germany
Ophthalmodouleia: das ist Augendienst" (1583) Georg Bartisch (1535-1606)
The History of Cataract SurgeryF.J. Ascaso1 and V. Huerva2 1University of Zaragoza, 2University of Lleida, Spain
History of cataract surgery from ancient times to today
History of Ophthalmology
Ancient Egyptian records provide clues to ophthalmic care
Dr Patricia Bath
Gholam A. Peyman
The Origins of Laser Cataract Surgery
A history of cataract surgery, Gresham College, Professor Will Ayliffe, 2010
A history of cataract surgery, Gresham College, Professor Will Ayliffe, 2010

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